Creating Better Habits

So did you have a ponder on the last blog post on creating habits?

I have been….and thinking about my behaviour and the self talk that goes on inside my head when i think about doing something that I think I might like to do…..but keep throwing obstacles and excuses in my own path!

Funny how our brains work - right?

I wonder if those words are words you would use if speaking to a friend trying to discuss an issue with them and be supportive to them.

I believe we are all on a scale of this spectrum of negative thoughts. Some people can turn them around to be positive support and encouragement and others can end up dwelling on the negative and believing it. You can just imagine which road you are going down if you dwell at either end - outright success and happiness or utter depression.

Hopefully we are somewhere middle to positive - I think it keeps a sense of rationality to have some negative thoughts from time to time. I know when I think about doing an activity for example that could have an element of danger - well my head starts jumping down the road of “don’t do that, you will get hurt, or skip or fall or you aren’t fit enough, not strong enough, not experienced enough…..” and whatever else! But when i think and use my rational brain, I can appease my mind and proceed, if i actually choose that it is right for me and will bring me happiness to do so.

Where are you on this continuum of positive thought versus negative self talk?

Have you ever truly listened to the wording you speak to yourself with?

Take a moment today on a few occasions to reflect on this and see what it tells you.

Is it this that is derailing you from doing something you want to?

Or even making you do more of what you don’t want to?

This is funny…..I tell myself i don’t need any more baselayers for through the winter, and i have just totally justified and rationalised why i need more. If you are interested, I like Bam Clothing’s vests, amongst other tops - so cosy and warm but breathable!!

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So in terms of creating a habit - listen to your inner voice, notice if it is positive and reflect.

When you find a rational result, proceed and don’t return for more debate as this is where you will get derailed!

If you want to delve into a little technique (with a lot of punch behind it), check out this short video of Mel Robbins. 5-4-3-2-1-CLICK!

If you have more time - listen to deeper dive into it.

Through my competitive sports and hobbies, I have always used a 3 second rule, then action. I never knew the science back in the 1990s and 2000s, so hearing this - makes perfect sense to me. I have been using this style of self talk, and motivation if you like, and I do believe it works. I hope you find this helpful too.

I am so pleased if you read this blog and maybe make time for a video too, and I hope it helps you think, reflect and ultimately act….on whatever will move you forward to create a better habit.

Leave me a comment - I would love to know your thoughts.

For now - go and have a fab start to your New Year!

Tanya x


What are the Best Habits to Build?


Creating Habits