Creating Better Habits
So did you have a ponder on the last blog post on creating habits?
I have been….and thinking about my behaviour and the self talk that goes on inside my head when i think about doing something that I know I want to do…..but keep throwing obstacles and excuses in my own path!
Funny how our brains work - right?
I have listened to professionals that say that we are defaulted to be negative towards ourselves. Have you ever listened and thought about the words we actually say to ourselves inside?
Creating Habits
Ultimately - this is a self lesson blog post! Trying to achieve a goal!
If you are anything like me, great intentions which don’t always come to fruition.
I have every excuse under the sun in my repertoire - and they are all legitimate excuses for why some intentions don’t acquire acton: I don’t have time, I’m tired, I’m not well, and numerous other things on the list…..need to do X, Y, Z!
So how will i ever create a habit with so many excuses?