Creating Habits

So here goes…..I am not a writer and definitely don’t have writing flair, so I will just be honest and say what comes into my head. Scary thought for me - as it’s like a whirlwind up there most of the time!

Ultimately - this is a self lesson blog post! Trying to achieve a goal!

If you are anything like me, great intentions which don’t always come to fruition.
I have every excuse under the sun in my repertoire - and they are all legitimate excuses for why some intentions don’t acquire acton: I don’t have time, I’m tired, I’m not well, and numerous other things on the list…..need to do X, Y, Z!

Take today for example, I was supposed to be studying. That is an underlying thread these days until I take another Pilates exam potentially in June 2024. Other factors need to happen too and prioritising is just pure difficult.

I tend to go to what lights me up in a day or what my brain just says to do, and things get done - like this post! Off the back of 4 days of reshaping the website, updating and trying to be creative within a restricted template and my limited tech knowledge! I don’t think I usually have the excuse of being lazy - just busy!

So I got stuff done - but was it today’s priority? Well, I think so! I hadn’t had time to do the website revamp since last Nov when i changed the booking system to TeamUp! So overdue yes! Could I have studied too - probably! But let’s remember it’s Christmas and I haven’t been well!!

Anyway enough rambling…..i’m such a procrastination queen! Though I get there in the end. Are you the same?!

So am I creating a habit - I hope so. Let’s see!
I’m not good at regular habits as my brain works a bit ad hoc as it tries to figure out what’s best and for when - not just frequency.

I’ve read all the usual posts, blogs, read some books and listened to podcasts about creating habits from so many different professionals - they all say similar things.
(Geek alert - self development is a huge topic I have been reading around for as long as I can remember and I’m fascinated by human behaviour.)
Just do it (good old Nike, eh!), set timers, reminders, etc and see where it takes you!

I’m of course being very reductionist here, but essentially the only way for you to commit is: don’t listen to your brain when it starts discussing, rationalising, debating - as that’s where your time goes. The time taken for all of that, could have been the time to enable you to do whatever it was your were talking yourself out of doing!

I used to do this in my teens when studying for exams, alongside the stress response that came with it! I believe I created a strong back habit then - the wrong type sadly! But here as a supposed adult, I think I can see the errors of procrastination and can then decide to either do, or don’t do, without too much emotional stress!

So what’s the outcome of all this banter? Well…..
I created a blog post!! Whoop whoop!
So hopefully this is step 1 for creating a habit. Of course, I would rather the content was of interest to you - so maybe let me know of a topic of interest that I could ramble on about or ask me a question to help me feed my hopeful new habit!

As for frequency - I’m hoping for fortnightly. Let’s see what happens!

Apologies if this was very disjointed also - the headspace is a bit fluffy due to the current bug in my head! Getting better though! And maybe so will my blog posts in the future lol!

For now - have a great Christmas and chat to or see you soon!

Tanya x


Creating Better Habits


Tanya's First Personal Blog!