Tanya's First Personal Blog!

I have so much to say, but never get time to say it on paper, so to speak. I love my work and I get to speak to so many wonderful people with such wide life experiences on a daily basis. I have so much to say…..as people who know me will know! I am passionate about the body and the mind and I am not a writer, but a thinker. I speak from the heart and am very literal. I don’t believe in second guessing, only saying what is true and being clear to anyone who wants to listen.

Maybe you don’t want to listen - that’s fine! But for anyone who does, I will be doing sporadic blogs in essence like a diary, of thoughts and discussions about books i’m reading, places i’ve been, challenges I am going through and general chatter about life and lifestyle.

Be true and do things that make you smile. This can be hard, but hopefully it can be possible for more times in your life than the number of challenges we face.

The diary will continue! I guess this is my tester to see how this goes and if worth continuing!! Time is a factor we all fight, so let’s see!

In the meantime, you can connect with my instagram page @tanya.d.toss. Maybe see you there!


Creating Habits