What are the Best Habits to Build?

So did you get a chance to watch the videos linked in the last blog post on creating better habits? (If not click here to go to that blog post. It’s worth the click - honest!)

I’m curious - did watching the video help you in any way?
If yes, how?
If not, why not?

As we are getting further into January and that pressure of setting new year resolutions reduces a little, maybe think about what a resolution is?

Why do we need to set them and why now?

Some research has proven that we are more likely to stick to a resolution that is set in the new year than any other time of year and maybe that is due to the pressure and also with so many others doing the same - maybe there is better accountability? Support from others at the same time? Is there something in the new year, new start lingo?

Setting a resolution - setting a goal for yourself is important at whatever time of year, as we need self improvement to keep our positive mindset developing. Without goals, we can flounder, stay static, slump, get bored etc. A little challenge can give you something to perk you up, a reason to get out of bed! Ultimately setting a goal, and working towards it and hopefully achieving it, brings self satisfaction and self appreciation, confidence and whatever the goal was that was achieved - the benefits of that goal on our lives.

So whatever the goal is - is it an achievement goal and then do you fall back into the prior life plan? Or is it a goal to create a better habit that will influence our lives positively and bring us the mental, physical and emotional bliss we hope it will.

With regards to the body and health, exercise is always a plus. Research continually proves that exercise has positive effects on the body and the mind, which is why it is recommended for any injury, any health condition and for mental health - for everything!

Depending on what your ‘why’ is for doing any exercise, will influence the benefits you will achieve, and what you implement as an exercise strategy will decide on the level of benefits and how quickly you will achieve them. This strategy will also impact on how you can keep the benefit in your life and keep improving, rather than losing interest and regressing back on your goals.

A suggestion to think about with regards to your exercise choices is the FITT principle. This can be applied to many things in life including exercise and injury rehab.

F - Frequency (How often you take part in the exercise/activity)

I - Intensity (How hard the exercise/activity is, how hard you push yourself)

T - Time (The duration you take part for)

T - Type (The type of exercise or activity)

We can also consider:

V - Volume (total amount of exercise in a timeframe, eg per week or 4 week cycle, etc)

P - Progression (change in difficulty in an exercise over time)

Can you apply this to what you do to be more analytical about creating that habit to create a routine and create enough of a training effect to get the benefits? Without also pushing too much and too far and possibly getting an injury of course.

You know the benefits of exercise physically I’m sure - improved heart function, increases your energy levels, improved breathing, feel stronger, etc, but what about mentally?

A recent study on the effects of exercise interventions on cognitive functions of healthy populations (a review and meta-analysis), using the principle above to moderate the information gathered, found:

  • Exercise benefitted overall cognition and all sub cognitive functions.

  • Aerobic and resistance exercise showed the greatest benfits on global cognition and executive function respectively.

  • Mind-body exercise benefitted memory.

  • Among all population ages, older adults showed the greatest benefits of exercise on global cognition, executive function and memory compared with controls.

So what are you waiting for?! No matter what age - you can make a start!

Other research suggests we can learn even when we are over 100 years of age!

So no excuses!! Never too old!!

What should i do then? To help your brain out to help you think, make decisions and develop action plans and remember everything that’s going on in your life - do some cardio activity, work against some resistance (weights, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises) and do some Pilates and or Yoga mindfully (not the fitness type as you don’t think in the same way here - that’s just another type of bodyweight exercise)!

So my challenge to you, even if you have done it before - is to work through my 14 day challenge whilst adding on some cardio exercise like walking into your day also. You can do 1 video a day or more depending on what available time you have and progress as far through as you feel your body can if you have any injuries - maybe getting to day 6 initially as you reset your body. You can progress into the rebalance section after and then when ready to challenge a little deeper and further, jump into the reignite days - modify if you need to on the way through.

So be sure to do what feels good, but do something!

Create that better habit and learn as you go, to apply it to your daily life habits. Building that habit as you progress daily.

Your head will appreciate it…..and your body of course!!

Leave me a comment - I would love to know your thoughts about how you get on and what habits you are wanting to create for yourself.

For now - go forth and continue to make your own waves as you embrace this New Year!

Tanya x


Processes, Habits, Goals and Challenges


Creating Better Habits