Processes, Habits, Goals and Challenges

How did you get on?

Did you have a go at the 14 day challenge?

If not, why not?

If yes,  how far did you get? Are you still committed to finishing it?

That commitment is totally yours. It’s not for anyone else. No one else will feel the benefits that you feel. It’s all about you and what you can do for yourself and the positive outcomes you experience for not only showing up, but getting the physical benefits and the overall ‘oh yeah, I did this"‘ feeling and transformative self talk and self belief. You gotta start somewhere - and why not here?!

So this is a friendly nudge to keep you accountable to yourself.

Did you get anywhere with thinking about your 'why’?

What do you want to do and why?

How will it benefit you and how painful will it be if you don’t follow through with it?

If we don’t invest in ourselves, we won’t make the changes we need to get closer to succeeding….at anything. We have many self sabotage strategies, but if your ‘why’ is so important to you that it would be so painful to stay as you are, then why would you not start the balls in motion to move forward.

Little by little wins. Crash courses are exactly that - crash and burn!

Start little by little, feel your way and take a bigger step when you feel it is right.

So if you got stumped by the 14 days - too much and too long to invest into your schedule right now - start smaller.

Why not try this 2 minute video? Repeat daily x 10 each way, and as you get better, 1 min each way….each day. Start somewhere, but start now.

Also from the last blog, did you think about the FITT principle?

Let’s apply it to the video above…..

Frequency - every day

Intensity - light

Time - 2 mins max

Type - Disco cat! Joint mobilisation - Spine and shoulders.

Easy? Simple? Now go do!!!

But seriously - what are you going to do to help yourself move forward?

I’m giving you this little step and a nudge.

The 14 day challenge is also a programme I designed to work on all the fundamental movement patterns… encourage your body to breathe, mobilise, stabilise and move more and better.

Could you schedule it in and see what you discover?

Remember - goals help you move forward in a direction. It changes your processes, your actions and behaviour with a direction in mind. When you get further towards the goal, are you looking beyond it, or just at the end point of hitting that goal?

My advice….have another longer term goal in mind - the really big picture so you never meet a goal and then wonder what to do next - you are making a lifestyle change, not being short changed.

You are changing your lifestyle to meet this goal, but the big picture requires more than 1 end step. Maybe that longer term goal is to maintain that goal for your forseeable future - win win. Maybe it’s to achieve and then add on, or change direction to learn or improve at something else, still ever moving forward.

Whatever it is, don’t stop or stand still. Keep ticking off your daily ‘I’m becoming more awesome’ list with those little or large snowballs. Develop those habits and get really good at them! Your brain and body will be better for it - and you and your life experiences will improve as a result. Who wouldn’t want better for themselves.

If I can help you keep moving forward - let me know.

Just incase you need a reminder of where it is…..

Leave me a comment - I would love to know your thoughts about how you get on and what habits you are wanting to create for yourself.

Tanya x


Reality, Prioritisation and Relaxation


What are the Best Habits to Build?