A Guided Mindful Relaxation Session at Work
This 25 minute session involves a variety of techniques with a mindfulness approach, such as deep breathing exercises, visualisation and imagery, and progressive muscular relaxation (tensing and relaxing muscles).
You can be seated or you can lie down and follow the guided journey.
The aim of the session is to help the mind escape from the stressful thoughts of work and onto a higher level of mental relaxation, giving a break to the body and mind.
Meditation is an important part of our day to help our mental and physical health. This should be a daily practice and like anything - the more you practice, the more effective you become at it. Practices can vary from 1 minute up to as long as you need. Any time invested is time well spent.
In the corporate world, taking regular breaks is important to keep the mind fresh and alert and to be able to focus and when business and stress take over, we just cannot function at our best for the job and for ourselves.
I delivered this guided session online for Allstate NI on 20th September 2023 as part of their Health focus month.
If you attended the session, you can access the recording free at the following link (use the password provided by your HR contact).
This 25 minute session involves a variety of techniques with a mindfulness approach, such as deep breathing exercises, visualisation and imagery, and progressive muscular relaxation (tensing and relaxing muscles).
You can be seated or you can lie down and follow the guided journey.
The aim of the session is to help the mind escape from the stressful thoughts of work and onto a higher level of mental relaxation, giving a break to the body and mind. The muscles also gain awareness as to their current level of tension, which can self-promote the need for stretching to aid further ease in the relevant areas. The release and refocussing can bring clarity to your day to help you move forward for the rest of your day.
If you would like to join me to practice this session, you can gain a 6 month access by purchasing the membership from the following link for just £3 - then access the video in the ON DEMAND section of the main menu.
I hope you enjoy and gain the benefit from regular practice of these mindfulness tools.
Tanya x