How Are You Doing? Will A Yin Yoga Workshop Help You Out?

I get the impression from my social media feeds and chats with some of you at class and other friends and family that lockdown #3 is really getting people down. Yes, some of us are lucky enough to have time for those lockdown DIY and baking projects, skipping about in the woods and doing sunrise walks (!), but I know that is not the reality for many. Amongst my friends are people at both ends of the spectrum: out of work, alone at home and in need of company; or super busy with work and/or home schooling and not a minute to themselves to rest and recuperate, who definitely don't want a to-do list of great ideas or yet another reminder they haven't been to a yoga class, rather a way to remove things from the backlog!

What can I offer?

Not much perhaps but a friendly face and listening ear and hopefully some motivation to move to feel better :)

Going by a BBC article, less people are moving this lockdown, which ultimately will affect our mental health. In yoga, Sauca identifies how when we move, it affects how we feel - so move well and feel well. It might just be a little improvement if things are getting you down, but we have to start somewhere.

I know for me it is great to see so many of you on our online classes - to see your faces and have a wee chat. Not as much as we would all like, but it is great to connect with one another. If you aren't in the classes online, you're welcome to join me there and say hello to your class mates via Zoom at least.

Many of you though don't have time or access to the right tech, or the inclination to attend via Zoom. If you'd like some input, advice or just a chat, then do feel free to drop me an email. I'd be happy to hear from you! I have set up a Facebook group - TDR Academy of Movement & Therapy Tribe - for this purpose: to give you little ideas and thoughts to hopefully help you out in some way, but also as a platform to connect with others from the classes and those who have attended our wee space over the years. It is great to get chatting and have a bit of craic along the way!

As we don't have the personal connection often these days, I am sending you love and encouragement to keep on muddling through as the days are getting longer, Spring is on the way and the wheel will surely keep turning.

Remember I am here for appointments if you have any pain that is affecting your work and life or if you have had an injury - these are the only categories allowable at present. General massages can not be carried out at this time or any training sessions in person. You can book online via Mindbody or contact me directly on 07879 415711 or

Are you interested in an evening of chilling?

Maybe with some gentle stretching or maybe you want to push it further? I have organised another Yin Yoga evening on Friday 5th February - so read on!

Yin Yoga Evening - for Fabulous February!

Yinify Your Mind, Body and Energy - Live & Online

7 - 9pm Friday 5th February 2020

Join us for a beautifully relaxed and chilled out practice of Yin Yoga to open up the body and stretch areas that need some deeper attention, whilst allowing your mind and body to delve into what lies beneath. To rebalance the body and free up physical or emotional energy in the body to leave you feeling you have taken a step forward on your journey of self care and mobility.

The Yin pose photo at the start portrays how a lot of us feel right now 😆, so let’s Yinify our minds, bodies and energies!

Let’s make our first Friday in February fabulous!!

This evening of Yin is an open level - catering for any level of ability/experience.

If you have any underlying injuries or medical concerns - contact Tanya on 07879415711 to clarify if it's safe for you to practice.

☺️ The poses will have gentle and stronger variations to enable you to be challenged on your own personal level.

The intention is to help reduce the stress levels through the link with the physical body - to open the body allows you to open and soften the mind. We all need this right now as January was long and lockdown is still with us.

❤️ Please feel free to share this to your family and friends.

We all need some time out right now more than ever due to such uncertainty in the world around us.

More than one person signed up for the workshop can be in your room when you link in, so don’t feel that everyone has to be in separate rooms for this - unless you really need to isolate further ☺️

✳️ Make sure you have a device with the Zoom Cloud Meeting app downloaded to be able to see and hear each other.

☯️ Please arrive in the waiting room by 6.55pm so we can start on time. Access won’t be permitted after 7pm as this will disrupt the session.

Investment - £13 if you sign up before the end of 10pm 31 January 2021 for the early bird discounted price, or £14 thereafter.


  • ✳️ Simply click here to sign up.

  • If you have never booked with us before, you will need to set up an account with our booking software Mindbody when you follow the link through to book and pay.

  • ☯️ You will receive an email from Tanya with the Zoom link and password by 6.30pm on the day of the workshop to provide you with the sign in details. Please be sure to be in the waiting room by 6.55pm at the latest as entry will not be permitted once we start at 7pm due to the disruption this would cause to those already resting in Savasana pose.

  • Have the Zoom Cloud Meetings app downloaded onto your device (tablet, laptop, desktop or phone) and create an account, if you have never used it before.


  • I will be opening the Zoom meeting waiting room from 6.50pm, so please enter by 6.55pm.

  • Have your Yin nest set-up with all your props so you are ready to go (see below).

  • We will start at 7pm, so if you are unable to make it by 7pm, I am truly sorry, but I will be unable to invite you in as it will disrupt the session for everyone else.

Mat and Room Set-up:

  • Set up your mat, rug or carpet in a quiet space. Ensure whatever you use that it is thick enough and comfortable for resting in poses for long periods.

  • Make sure you can see the video from your space and hear me and that I will be able to see you on your mat also. (Wear clothing of a different colour to your mat and background if possible!)

  • I recommend dim lighting although with enough that I can still see you!

  • Ensure you will be warm enough as you will be sitting still for long periods.

  • Have extra pillows and/or cushions to hand, maybe about 4. Feel free to use bolsters if you have any also.

  • If you could have 2 heavy-ish blankets, they may be useful if you need extra weight on your legs unless you have any sandbags to use, or if you feel cold throughout.

  • If you do not have enough blankets - you could use a large bath towel which can also roll up into a sausage if needed.

  • If you have yoga bricks, 2 would be useful, or the bath towel will also work and a cushion/pillow.


  • You can play any music you like in the background, preferably something you can drift to with no words. Youtube has many to choose from - just be sure to pick something that is 2 hours long to avoid having to change.

  • I will have you all on muted in the workshop so you can play it at a volume that is low enough to hear but not too loud that it is overpowering on your senses (or my voice so you can hear what to do!).

  • I will be recording the workshop, so if you would like to download it you can then have it saved for use at another time. Please keep it for your eyes only however thank you.

New to TDR Academy Online Zoom Sessions?

If you have never attended TDR Academy before, Tanya will send you our health forms to complete and return by email prior to attendance with any of our sessions (a requirement for our professional practice).

You can also add yourself to our mailing list for news about our classes online and other updates, by subscribing to the TDR Academy Newsletter. Use the sign up form at the bottom of any page of our website to be automatically added.

We would love it if you could help us also, by either checking in on Facebook with us, leaving us a positive comment on our Facebook page or our Google Business page, and sharing a photo of your practice with us at #tdracademytribe on Instagram.

If you would like to be kept up-to-date with what we are bringing to you over the next period of time, then keep an eye out for more emails and especially on social media.

We will be posting by email, on our website blog and workshop pages, and to our social media pages:

  • predominantly on Facebook, and

  • Instagram @TDR Academy, #tdracademytribe #tdracademyofmovementandtherapy

  • Join my Facebook Group also - TDR Academy Tribe - I give daily tips and thoughts to inspire you to move more, move better and look after your body. After all, it's the only one you have, so give it the time and attention it deserves now!

Still not signed up yet to the Yin Yoga evening? Sign up here now!

A little more about Yin Yoga (if you don’t know anything about it):

The practice of Yin Yoga is to stress the tissues of the body that we don’t usually access in the more energetic Yang style Yoga practices, such as the connective tissues, ligaments, tendons and bones. It invites you to slow down, soften, relax and be mindful, to gain experience of the energetic body and to become acquainted with our thought patterns. Ultimately it is to enhance our self awareness, tune our insight and access our own inner wisdom. Yin is about the feeling and involves “unhurried postures unstained by striving” (Sarah Powers).

To practice Yin is to bring forth the values of softening, patience, kindness, compassion, acceptance, surrendering and non striving. It will help people to feel more in a world that is so disconnected. On a physical level, we access and affect connective tissues that we don’t access in our Yang practices. The focus is on function and feeling rather than on aesthetics, which result in a more positive outcome for students. The poses and stretch sensations can be quite impactful and energetic despite seeking stillness through the longer holds. The time out to meditate and spend time with yourself is invaluable in today’s busy world.

Hope to see you then, if not before!

Namastay-relaxed-at-home ❤️

Tanya x


FREE Online 14 Day Reset, Rebalance & Reignite Challenge!


Christmas with TDR Academy