TDR Academy of Pilates, Yoga and Therapies

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Latest Update - Service Provision Changes at TDR Academy

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Sad face - In response to the daily changing environment - all classes are now closed for the foreseeable future at the studio. We will miss our (occasional) blue sky view from the studio!

Happy face - We will be getting online interactive classes up and running very soon - hoping to start with just a few amendments to the timetable only. We will be contacting our current class members directly by texts and emails to get you up to speed to get you started for Monday 23rd March. If there are spaces after that, then new members can book in online as normal through our booking software Mindbody.

You will need a device (phone, tablet, laptop or computer) with a camera to be able to join in, although you can join in with audio only also if you don’t have a camera. If you want your teacher to see you to be able to offer advice and alignment cues - you need a camera.

We are looking forward to seeing you on your mat - will be a fun new approach to keeping you moving in these exceptional times. For your physical and mental health - we want to keep your routine going.

As TDR Academy focusses on movement and treatments - we are having to adapt each aspect of the services and this is taking time to update the technology. Please bear with us through this transition period!

Clinic Times

Tanya’s appointment times have had to amend to cater for the changing of classes to online.

Appointment times going forward from Monday 23rd March are:

  • Monday 2.10pm - 5.15pm

  • Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm

  • Wednesday 2.10-5.15pm

  • Thursday 2.10-5.15pm

  • Friday 8.45am to 3.45pm

Gary’s appointments are varying at present, so you can check online or get in touch to enquire if you don’t see anything that suits.

This is all subject to change based on government advice. However we will try to continue to look after you as best we can taking all necessary measures for cleaning, hygiene and safety. We ask that you follow all advice upon entering the premises:

  • Use the hand gel provided on entry before ascending the stairs.

  • Be prepared to make payment via card preferably to reduce contact again.

  • Do not attend if you have any symptoms of fever or a cough.

  • Do not attend if you have been in contact with someone that has symptoms or is needing to isolate, until you are free of symptoms for 14days.

  • Cancel at the earliest point if you cannot attend, to enable us to have time to allocate the appointment to another client.

  • You can still book and amend online or contact Tanya on 07879415711.

Everyones safety is our priority, including our own. We want to be sure your physical and mental health is being looked after so we will continue to work as it is safe to do so.

Be sensible and stay safe.

Just a reminder on the current advice:

What you can do:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

  • Put used tissues in the bin straight away

  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.

  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

  • Anyone with a new, continuous cough or high temperature (37.8 degrees and above) is advised to self-isolate for seven days

  • If you are worried about symptoms, please call your GP. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment.

What we are doing:

  • On top of our normal studio cleaning procedures, TDR Academy has introduced a number of additional hygiene measures to allow us to continue working within our community:

  • We have intensified our day-to-day cleaning of the Studio

  • We wipe banister rails, door handles etc each day with alcohol based wipes. Current advice is that the virus does not live long exposed on dry porous surfaces (like blankets, bolsters) and anti-baterical wipes don't work against a virus

  • We now have paper towels and sterile hand wash - and our team are washing their hands more regularly

  • We have introduced additional hand gel stations, which we ask students to use when they arrive and before they leave

  • If our team have any symptoms, we will cancel any classes or treatments at the earliest notice possible

Coming to the Clinic and Home Practice for Your Mat:

  • We ask clients to wash your hands before and after visiting the clinic and your mat and to clean the mat that is being used before and after use.

  • If you do feel unwell, we ask that you remain at home and self isolate until feeling better

  • If you display any of these symptoms, please do not visit our clinic for at least 14 days.

  • Please remember to have your own water bottle and drink regularly, eg every 15 minutes minimum, and bring your own tissues.

  • For those clients affected by any possible school closures, please do not bring your children to the clinic..

For answers to common questions, and the most up to date information, head over to the Public Health Agency website. Or the BBC News website has some great advice.

Together we can all maintain a responsible and cautious approach to limiting the spread of this virus and protecting the more vulnerable members of our society whilst keeping a positive attitude.

Wishing you safety and good health through this time.
