Yin Yoga Workshop - Time To Take Time Out
Yin Yoga Workshop
7pm - 9pm
The practice of Yin Yoga is to stress the tissues of the body that we don’t usually access in the more energetic Yang style Yoga practices, such as the connective tissues, ligaments, tendons and bones. It can be to slow down, soften, relax and be mindful, to gain experience of the energy body and to become acquainted with our thought patterns. Ultimately it is to enhance our self awareness, tune our insight and access our own inner wisdom. Yin is about the feeling and involves “unhurried postures unstained by striving” (Sarah Powers).
To practice Yin is to bring forth the values of softening, patience, kindness, compassion, acceptance, surrendering and non striving. It will help people to feel more in a world that is so disconnected. On a physical level, we access and affect connective tissues that we don’t access in our yang practices. The focus on function and feeling rather than on aesthetics, will result in a more positive outcome for students. The stretches can be be quite strong and energetic despite seeking stillness through the longer holds.
The workshop is an open level - caters for any level of ability/experience.
It will develops your mobility, flexibility, posture, body awareness, balance, breath work and relaxation.
Investment - £18 early bird price if booked by 10pm on Thursday 24th January 2019, £20 thereafter.
This is an amazing way to spend your Friday night to set you up for the weekend ahead!
Helpful to know:
We have all the equipment needed at the studio, unless you prefer to bring your own mat to use.
All you need to bring with you is some water to stay hydrated.
We advise you to wear loose comfortable clothing to be able to move freely and exercise in.
There are a limited number of places available in this session and as such you are only booked in once you have prepaid to secure your place.
You can book your place online by ‘booking now’ below.
Payments are accepted by Visa or Mastercard via Mindbody.